Installing New Firmware
Your device may have updated firmware in the future.
This is easily installed to improve your Cocoon Connect device.
Follow the steps below to install new firmware:
1. Once the device is installed and a connection is established, a message appears detailing that a new firmware is available. It also provides an update log of the new version and what changes are to be installed
The unit can choose to click on Upgrade Now to start the process (see #4) or click on Cancel to delay the process.
2. If the user selects ‘Cancel’ in Step 1 then the Firmware Information section in Settings will have a red dot. This will indicate that a new version of firmware is there, ready to be installed.
3. Selecting the Firmware Information will show the user the 'Current Firmware Version' and the 'New Firmware Version', as well as an 'Update log'.
User can simply select ‘Upgrade Now’ to start the firmware installation process.
4. Once ‘Upgrade Now’ is selected then the firmware will be downloaded onto the device and installed.
This process, once started, will have a installation bar going from 0% to 100% in green.
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